A great smile can light up a room, and if that smile is yours you are bound to make a great first impression. You can transform your smile with cosmetic dentistry from Jefferson City Dental Care in Jefferson City. Are you skeptical? We invite yo to judge for yourself. Few of us were born with…
Tooth-Colored Fillings
Replace Old Silver Fillings

Superficial cuts in the skin subside without a trace, infections are wiped out with antibiotics, broken bones mend, and inflamed tissues subside. Our teeth, unfortunately, can’t regenerate. Decay can be halted in its progress, but scientists are still years away from actual enamel regeneration. That’s why the team at Jefferson City Dental Care in Jefferson…
What’s the Difference Between Silver Fillings and White Fillings?

In today’s article, we discuss fillings. What is a composite filling? Composite fillings are fabricated with a mixture of glass or quartz and resin which results in a natural tooth-colored material. They are quite strong when bonded to the tooth with adhesive. What is an amalgam filling? Amalgam fillings are also called “silver fillings” though…
Is It A Cavity? Tooth Pain in Jefferson City

Teeth are meant to last a lifetime, but they take a lot of tender, loving care. And even when we practice daily dental hygiene, bacteria can still sneak in and cause cavities – the common cold of oral health. Few people go their entire life without getting a cavity. Cavities are caused when bacteria, acid,…
White Fillings

Hello! Welcome to the Jefferson City Dental Care dental blog. If this your first visit, we hope you find useful information about our outstanding Jefferson City dental practice. If you have read some of our previous articles, we are glad you checked back with us. We post new articles regularly. My name is Justin Johnson,…